Yesterday I had a birthday!!... I finally become 14 and I guess that I can finally work now!!!...
So I woke up yesterday at something like 7 AM because of the excitement! (Just for you to know.. It's the Passover vacation and my birthday was in Passover vacation so I wasn't have to wake up so early!..).. and then my mom gave me my birthday present form her.. It was a very expensive and awesome Casio watch!.. And then in noon, my friends telephoned me and told me that as my birthday present from them they are taking me to play Balling, on them!.. And then they gave me 2 balloons (Which I was with them the whole day) and then we played.. I won!.. It was awesome!!!.. After that we went to the mall and just "traveled" there.. One seller said to me "happy birthday".. And then I talked with him about killing people with being legal!... After that I went back home.. And my mother got back with my grandma.. My grandma gave me tablet Bamboo Fun PEN&TOUCH by Wacom!... This tablet is so much awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I haven't thought that I will get tablet this time!(last year I had tablet Genius MousePen 8X6!.. this tablet suck and he got broken really fast!..
After my grandma's gift my father came to my home and gave me Weights Set!... Yesterday was pretty awesome day... I'm really sad that it over!...
P.S. Because of that I have tablet now I will put drawing soon!
looking forward to your art!
Thank you so much!!..
And wait.. I'm sure that in less then a one more month I will be good enough to submit art to here!.. But you can always see my DeviantArt gallery!..